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Community-Wide Commemoration

Broward, FL


October 6, 2024

6:00 PM

Federation Name

Jewish Federation of Broward County

About the Event

On October 7, Hamas unleashed a vicious attack on Israel, killing over 1,200 innocent people, taking more than 250 people hostage, and shattering the global Jewish community’s sense of safety.

The Jewish Federation of Broward County and our partner agencies invite you to join us at the Posnack JCC for a community-wide event to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the October 7 attacks, where we will mourn those who lost their lives and embrace their families, pray for the remaining hostages, pay tribute to the heroes who fought to defend our people and reaffirm our community’s strength and commitment to Israel.

As we gather, your presence will reinforce our collective commitment to the principle of Zachor (remembrance). In Jewish tradition, memory plays a crucial role in shaping our identity and guiding our actions. For more information, please click to learn more.

October 7th - Jewish Federations - Lockup

Jewish Federations' Response

Jewish Federations across North America have been leading the emergency response by providing vital support and resources to the Israeli people in their time of need. Learn more here.

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